2.5.3 Electrical connecti on steps
Identi fy the functi ons to be connected and locate the positi on of the cable clamp,
see “2.5.2 Identi fying
the functi ons to be connected”.
Check that the cables used comply with the intended use and with the regulati ons in force.
Identi fy the input for each desired functi on at the bott om of the control box:
pH = blue
ORP = yellow
View from below of a control box with an installed module
Pass the cable into the associated cable gland or pierce a hole in the PVC diaphragm (made of rubber) using
a screwdriver of an appropriate diameter.
Identi fy the terminal block dedicated to the desired functi on using the identi fi cati on zones:
Install a cable clamp (supplied) to mechanically hold the cable against the appliance's frame; the position
of the cable clamp is shown,
see “2.5.2 Identifying the functions to be connected”.
If the fi lter pump (single- or variable-speed pump) is connected to the chlorinator, it must be grounded
using the dedicated grounding stud by crimping an appropriately-sized lug for the wire (not supplied).