7.3 I Washing the pool fi lter (backwashing) (depending on the model)
Backwash mode is used to quickly start/stop the fi lter pump (single-speed pump or variable-speed pump) in order to
backwash the fi lter.
• Press
and browse the menu using the
butt ons.
confi rm.
• Select
to acti vate fi ltrati on or
to stop fi ltrati on.
For safety reasons, chlorinati on stops when in Backwash mode. To prevent the pool from emptying, Backwash mode
automati cally stops aft er 5 minutes. The default speed setti ng for the variable-speed pump is 3,450 rpm (maximum
speed). This value can be changed from the priming menu.
7.4 I Winterising
The appliance is fi tt ed with a protecti on system limiti ng chlorine producti on in poor
operati ng conditi ons such as cold water (winter) or low salt.
• Acti ve winterising
= fi ltering operati onal in winter: below 10°C it is preferable to switch off the appliance.
Above this temperature you can leave it running.
• Passive winterising
= lower water level and drained piping: switch off the appliance and leave the cell dry
in place with any isolati on valves open.
• Winterising the sensors =
Keep the plasti c sensor tube (which contains a storage soluti on) for re-use when
winterising. The sensors must always be stored wet (never dry). They must be stored in the tube fi lled with
a storage soluti on of 3 mol/L KCl or at least in tap water.
7.5 I Preparing the pool for re-use
Required acti ons:
Adjust the water level (too much or too litt le).
Check the water parameters: TA/TH/pH/Salinity/Chlorine/Stabiliser/Copper/Metals, and adjust the
parameters to obtain a balanced, healthy pool, see
“4.1 I Balancing the water”.
Check the conditi on of the equipment (pump, fi lter, chlorinator, electrolyti c cell).
Inspect the sensors, then clean and recalibrate.
As soon as the salt level reaches the required level of 4,000 ppm and has completely dissolved in the water,
restart the salt water chlorinator.