5.2.5 Programming the "TIMERS" fi ltrati on ti mes
The ti mers are used to defi ne the operati ng durati on of the fi lter pump and the durati on of chlorine producti on
by the appliance. They allow the user to operate the variable-speed pump for longer and at lower speeds,
without the appliance being in constant operati on during this ti me.
To set the ti me delay programme, the start and stop ti mes must be entered and confi rmed. If no ti mer has
been set, fi ltrati on and/or chlorinati on are constantly acti ve.
The operati ng ti mes for the fi ltrati on system must be suffi cient to correctly treat the water.
Example programmes
Filtrati on ti me (TIMER) in the pool season for a water temperature of 26°
26/2 = 13 hours of fi ltrati on per day
Filtrati on ti me (SWC) outside of pool season (acti ve winterising) for a water temperature of 16°
16/2 = 8 hours of fi ltrati on per day
==> Single-speed fi lter pump
There are 2 possible programmes,
• Select the
to be programmed using the
butt ons. Press
to confi rm.
Set the fi lter pump start ti me
and the pump stop ti me
using the
butt ons. Press
to confi rm.
• Press
to exit.
When the fi ltrati on ti mes have been programmed, the lett er
is shown on the screen:
Manual acti vati on of the appliance (by pressing
) has priority over the ti mer. If no fi lter pump is connected, the
appliance acti vates chlorinati on only.
If a single-speed fi lter pump is connected, it is acti vated at the same ti me as chlorinati on.
If a variable-speed fi lter pump is connected, it operates at the same ti me as chlorinati on at its confi gured speed RPM 1.
All programmes remain valid and normal operati on resumes during the next cycle.