Confi guring the setpoint:
Check that the setpoint has been set to its maximum on the heati ng system.
Confi gure the desired water temperature setpoint. The default value is 28°C.
This value can be set between 15 and 32°C.
In this case, the temperature sensor of the chlorinator measures the water temperature.
• Press
. Browse the menu using the
butt ons.
to confi rm.
Depending on the heati ng system (in parti cular when using a heat pump), there may be a delay of a few
minutes between the ti me the chlorinator closes the AUX2 contact to acti vate the heati ng system and the
eff ecti ve start-up of the heati ng system (heat pump compressor).
The chlorinator displays the measured water temperature:
heati ng stopped
heati ng in operati on
The water temperature is measured by the water temperature sensor of the chlorinator:
- If the measured water temperature
falls below the setpoint value by 1°C or more
(e.g. 28°C -1°C
= 27°C), the relay is closed to acti vate the heati ng system.
- If the measured water temperature
is equal to or greater than the setpoint value by 1°C or more
(e.g. 28°C +1°C = 29°C), the relay is opened to deacti vate the heati ng system.