5.4 I Routi ne use
5.4.1 Adjusti ng chlorine producti on
The factory setti ng for "conventi onal" chlorinati on is 50%. It can be manually set to between 0 and 100% in intervals of
10% from the "main screen" by pressing
. The setpoint value remains valid unti l next modifi ed.
"Conventi onal" chlorinati on refers to the manual management of chlorine producti on (outside of "Boost"
mode or "Low" mode, and with no connected "ORP" regulati on).
5.4.2 "Boost" mode
In some cases, the pool may require a higher than normal chlorine level, for example during ti mes of high use, bad
weather or at the start of the pool season.
mode is used to increase the chlorine level quickly.
mode operates for 24 consecuti ve hours at a 100% producti on rate.
If the programme is confi gured to perform chlorinati on for 12 hours a day,
mode is acti vated for 12 hours the
fi rst day and for 12 hours the second day.
If the fi lter pump is connected to the appliance, it also operates in
mode. The chlorinati on and fi ltrati on ti mers
are temporarily ignored throughout the durati on of Boost mode.
mode has been deacti vated, the appliance and the fi lter pump resume the programmed operati ons.
- If the appliance is equipped with a Dual Link module, Boost mode does not take into account the ORP
mode has priority over ORP regulati on.
- Boost mode can be acti vated even if the water is too cold (<15°C).
• Press
Time remaining
for "Boost" mode
If the appliance is in Low/Cover mode, you must confi rm that you want
mode to cancel the setti ngs
implemented for
5.4.3 "Low" mode
mode is designed to reduce chlorine producti on when the pool is covered or during periods of low pool use.
Chlorine producti on must be reduced when the pool is not used very oft en and/or when the pool water is not exposed
to UV rays, etc.
Producti on in
mode can be confi gured in the setti ngs of the main menu from
mode can be confi gured from 0% to 30% in intervals of 10%. The programmes remain acti ve when the
appliance is in
To manually access
mode, press
To leave
mode, press