Once the hull is dry, wipe it down with alcohol. Use
a tack cloth lightly to remove any dust.
Spray a light coat of primer, inside and out. Let this
flash for a few minutes, and spray a heavy coat on.
Let sit overnight.
When the primer is dry, use spot putty to fill any
nicks or surface imperfections.
When dry, wet sand with 400 on the rubber block.
If you are happy with the surface, spray on another
medium coat of primer.
When dry, wet sand with 600 or 800.
Use compressed air or a vacuum to remove the
dust on the inside and outside of the hull.
Wipe down the entire boat with alcohol.
Use a tack cloth to lightly wipe all surfaces.
Spray your color coats.
When cured, wet sand with 1000+ and clear coat
the entire hull.
Make sure the clear is completely cured before final
Final assembly
Before you bolt anything to the hull, give it a good
coat of paste wax.
Install the engine.
Install the servos and radio box.
Install the sharpened and balanced prop and prop
nut on the flex shaft.
Install the fuel bag and fuel lines.