Operation instructions
Page 15
Event button
Mark an event
By briefly pushing the Event button, the patient can mark any event without a
blood pressure measurement being necessary. Typical reasons for this are:
Waking up, going to bed, taking medications, feelings of dizziness, palpitations,
pain, athletic activities. The patient should be informed that he/she should note
the reasons in an event block.
Day/Night button
Record going to bed and getting up
With the Day/Night button, the patient records when he/she goes to bed and
when he/she gets up in the morning.
Discontinuing a blood
pressure measurement
The patient may discontinue a blood pressure measurement at any time by
pressing any button while the cuff is under pressure. Immediately after doing so,
the cuff will be quickly deflated. This interruption affects only an individual
measurement currently being performed and does not have any influence on
further operation. This function is available via any of three keys.