Counter/Timers (8254)
Counter Use by STD DOS and STD ROM
The use of these counters by STD DOS is limited to the use of
counter/timer 0 as the DOS Timer 0 for its System Tick. This counter
is programmed into Mode 2 as a rate generator for a periodic
frequency of 18.2 ticks per second. The interrupt from this timer
generates a request on level 0 (IR0) at the 8259A Interrupt Controller
on board at this frequency. STD DOS maintains its software real-time
clock with this System Tick.
Counter 0 is dedicated for STD DOS use and should not be altered in
any way by user programs. The remaining counters 1 and 2 are free
for application use and may be selected to drive interrupt request
levels 4 and 2 (IR4 and IR2) at the 8259A, respectively. Since IR4 is
used by DOS for COM1, we recommend that you use counter 2, or
wire-wrap the interrupt to a level not used by STD DOS. Refer to
Chapter 12 for further information regarding the 8259A Interrupt
The STD ROM Development System does not use the counter/timers
and leaves them uninitialized. They remain free for user programs.