Getting Started
STD DOS Memory Requirements
The STD DOS/BIOS software is shipped in one EPROM for
installation onto the ZT 8809A at socket location 5D1 (see Figure
2-2). Install the EPROM only at a static-free workstation. Orient
pin 1 properly, to the lower left with the board oriented component
side up, goldfingers to the left.
STD DOS requires at least 128 Kbytes of static RAM, although the
STD DOS system is shipped with 256 Kbytes. The two 128 Kbyte
static RAMs occupy socket locations 7D1 and 9D1, occupying the
memory address range from 0 through 3FFFFh. Again be sure to
orient pin 1 consistently with the EPROM’s pin 1.
STD DOS requires battery-backed RAM for system configuration
variables; a 32 Kbyte static RAM supplies BRAM on the ZT 8809A.
This RAM is mapped at addresses D8000 through DFFFFh. A
1 Amp-hour lithium battery is shipped with the STD DOS system to
back the 32 Kbyte RAM and optionally all RAM on board. It should
be securely placed into the battery socket and held fast with double-
sided tape underneath.