EN 3329.758.704 - 2017-01
Your boat is equipped with
ZF SPP Propulsion Manoeuvring System
This is a mechatronic system surveyed by an electronic controller. The
bow thrusters and the mechatronic system are powered by indepen-
dent batteries. The system will manoeuvre as long as you have battery
power. The batteries are continuously charged by the engine alterna-
tor, but please consider that discharge time is faster than the charge
time. The unit which absorbs more power is your bow thruster and
therefore we recommend you to use in moderation the sideways ma-
noeuvring (
Fig. 3
) and, in any case, not any longer than 2 minutes con-
In case of improper procedure done by the boat pilot, or in case of a
functional problem, the electronic controller will move the system to a
stand-by mode.
This does not mean that the system is broken, but simply that an error
or improper usage has been detected.
In this case you are requested to switch off the system and to switch
it on again with the key switch to re-initialize the controller. The re-bo-
oting procedure is:
1 - put the control lever in neutral position;
2. if the engine is on, turn it off on by the switch on the Yanmar pa-
3. turn the ignition switch to off position, wait for 4 seconds, turn it
on again;
4. switch on the engine;
5. now you have the control of the system again.
If the detected error was only a temporary malfunctioning, everything
will return to normal.
In case of a permanent failure of the system, the system will remain in
stand-by mode. In this situation, you have to apply the “Emergency
Procedure”, as described on the User's Manual and return to the nea-
rest harbour for inspection.
1. Put the control lever in neutral position.
2. Switch the system on by placing the ignition key switch on Yan-
mar control panel in position “START”
3. Before starting the diesel engine, ensure that all the electronics
are switched on, including the autopilot. The autopilot needs 40
seconds to be ready and operative. As soon as the autopilot is
operative, the diesel engine can be started.
4. Start the diesel engine by pushing the ignition key switch.
5. If the lever is not in neutral, the controller will detect the improper
position of the lever and the system will go into initialization state,
indicated by a red blinking light on the ready LED of the joystick.
In this state the system is alive, but it is not operative. You just
have to put the lever in neutral to have the system ready to opera-
6. Warm up the diesel engine, if requested. If higher engine speed
for warming up is needed, push the dedicated warm up button on
the control lever and move the lever to any desired warm up spe-
ed, then release the button. The warm up functionality reacts only
in forward movements of the control lever. After warming up, put
control lever back to neutral position.
You can put the control lever in forward (or backward) gear and move
forward (or backward) like in conventional systems.
In addition this boat is equipped with a joystick manoeuvring system
that allows you a perfect and easy manoeuvring. To use the joystick
manoeuvring system follow the hereunder instructions. Put the lever
in Neutral position (the system allows taking control with the joystick
with the lever in whatever position or if the lever is broken). Push the
button on the joystick for about 1 sec. The 2 leds will become green
and you are in control with the joystick.
With the 2 leds green, and the joystick in centre position, the joystick
is in neutral. If you move the joystick lever, the control led becomes
red and the boat begins to manoeuvre.
If you want to regain control with the lever, ensure that the lever is in
neutral position, then push again the button on the joystick to release
the joystick control and move the lever in the desired position. If the
lever is not in neutral when you release the joystick control (by pushing
the joystick button), the lever will not take the control. In fact, for your
safety, the diesel engine will remain at idle speed and the transmission
in neutral. To regain control of the lever you have to put the control le-
ver in the neutral position. Only after that the system will allow you to
raise the engine rpm by moving the control lever.
If the joystick control led automatically turns off, it means that an inap-
propriate manoeuvring has been done: you can take control again by
pushing the button as above described. If this action does not give any
result, the system is in stand-by mode and you must proceed with the
re-booting described in the relevant “Stand-By mode” section of this
manual before taking control again with your joystick. Please refer to
the LED status table at the end of this guide for further information.
The joystick is proportional: the more you push the joystick or rotate
the joystick knob, the more power you will apply to the manoeuvre.
While manoeuvring, be always gentle: in this way you will control bet-
ter the power and the boat will manoeuvre smoothly and precisely.
When you release the joystick lever, it goes back to central neutral po-
sition. You can move the joystick in any position, but for a better ma-
noeuvring, please let the joystick return to central position (neutral)
before moving it to a different position.
You have 6 basics manoeuvring positions.
In case the bow thruster battery reaches a level that does not al-
low powering it any more (see bow thruster manual for minimum
battery voltage value), the system will automatically disable the
joystick manoeuvring. In this case you can continue to manoeuvre
only with the control lever.As soon as the batteries reach an ope-
rating level again, the manoeuvring system will automatically al-
low joystick manoeuvring again.
The “Emergency mode” will allow you to drive only in forward
gear from idle to maximum speed, without the possibility to have
neutral and reverse. To stop the boat you will need to stop the
diesel engine.
The steering wheel will automatically go to central position in or-
der to put the rudder in neutral position. Don't pass your arm or
any other thing through the wheel while it is turning.
It is always possible to exit the maneuvering mode with the joy-
stick by pressing its button, even if the joystick is broken.
The control of the system will be passed to the lever.