Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
The Smart Connect event log which has a capacity of 8032 events. It stores all faults & alarms that occur on the system.
Faults are reported with a YELLOW Highlight.
The highlighted part gives the time & date and the general fault
The table shows more detail of the fault
The left hand column shows the event number.
Operational event are reported with a MAGENTA Highlight.
The highlighted part gives the time & date and the operation
The table shows more detail of the operation.
The left hand column shows the event number.
Alarms are reported with a RED Highlight.
The highlighted part gives the time & date and the Type of
detector signalling alarm
The table shows more detail of the Alarm (Address, Device text
label, zone, zone text label)
The left hand column shows the event number.
Test events are reported with a GREEN Highlight.
The highlighted part gives the time & date and the Type of
detector signalling alarm
The table shows more detail of the Alarm (Address, Device text
label, zone, zone text label)
The left hand column shows the event number.
When viewing the event log from the engineer menu, there is
an option to erase the event log by pressing the
The panel will ask to confirm this action. Press tick to delete, or
cancel to leave the log in the panel.
When viewed from the user menu, there is no delete option.