Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
From the installer menu, press the System Icon.
Select the USERS tab.
To change a user name, press user name.
To change a password, press the password. The panel prompts
to enter the new password twice
To delete a user, enter the password as blank.
Any unused user should have the password left blank
Press the exit button to leave the menu.
Press the screen. The panel prompts for a password.
Enter the Engineer (Access Level 3) password (default is 9999)
Press the loop Icon.
The panel proceeds to learn the loop.
When the configuration is complete, the panel displays a
summary of the devices found
To view details of the configuration, click the detail tab. This
shows the device type found at each address, and also shows
whether it was seen from Side A or Side B (to help locate CABLE
BREAKS), and it also shows if the device seen is different to the
previous database [!!] (IE has the device type been changed), or
if it is the same as previously configured [=]
Press the exit button to save configuration and leave the menu.