Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
The Smart Connect panel has 2 user access levels and one installer access level.
Basic user access (Access level 2a)
Tap LCD. Select user icon. Enter user access code (Default 0001)
This allows the user to have access to the main control buttons, to silence
and reset the panel.
It is indicated by a steady Controls Active LED, and an open padlock icon
in the bottom left corner of the LCD screen.
Full user access (Access level 2b)
From access level 2a press the menu access icon.
This allows the user to view the user menus, to view device status, event
logs etc.
It is indicated by a steady Controls Active LED, and an open padlock icon
in the bottom left corner of the LCD screen.
Engineer Access (Access level 3a)
Tap LCD. Select Engineer icon. Enter Engineer access code (Default 9999)
This allows the engineer to configure the panel, Setting zone & device
text, allocating zones, entering panel cause & effect etc.
It is indicated by a Flasing Controls Active LED, and an open padlock icon
in the bottom left corner of the LCD screen.
(The access LED flashes as a reminder that the panel is at a high access
level, and should not be left unattended in this state.)
Turning off access.
If the panel is in one of the menus, press the exit menu icon
in the
bottom left corner.
Press the padlock icon in the bottom left corner.
The controls active LCD will turn off, and the padlock icon will turn off.
(The panel will automatically turn off access if left unattended for aprox 5