Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
If a night time delay is needed (for example to allow security
staff to investigate, a delay can be entered into the night time
delay field
Press tick
to save the changes. The panel shows the
cause & effect table, with the daytime delay & night time delays
shown in the last 2 columns.
8.3.3 Setting Day-time and Night-time Detector Sensitivity
The day and night time sensitivities are set through the Device options screen.
Go to the engineer menu, and select the point Icon
Select the Option tab. The panel displays the Options table.
Press the Options field of the device to be edited.
Note that only the following detectors can have their sensitivity
HEAT A1S: Heat detector
OPTO STANDARD: Optical Smoke detector
OPTO HEAT: Optical Smoke & Heat detector
For the OPTO STANDARD: Optical Smoke detector, the
sensitivity can be set to Off, Low, Normal or High.
For the OPTO HEAT: Optical Smoke & Heat detector, the
sensitivity can be set to Off, Heat Only, Low, Normal or High.
There can be a different setting for day-time & night-time.