Smart Connect
Single Loop Touch Screen Panel
Doc: GLT-229-7-1
Issue: 3
Date: 12/05/2017
3.6.4. Disablement
Disablements are indicated with the general disablement LED,
and a mixture of LCD/LED indications
In this example, zone 1 is disabled. The panel shows that one
zone is disabled, and that the 37 devices in that zone are
disabled. Press the zone icon , or the Device icon for details of
the disablements.
In this example, there is a single addressable point disabled.
Press the Device icon for details of the disablement
In this example, sounder circuit 1 on the motherboard has been
Pressing one of the zone disablement icons will give further
details about the disablement.
Or pressing the disabled loop devices icon will give details of the
devices disabled.