Fixed Hoist Test Facility Operation and Maintenance Manual
ZOM-12000-2 rev 0
Page 15 of 20
This manual contains proprietary information and is not to be copied or disclosed without written
permission from Zephyr International LLC. Copyright 4-1-2006
System Startup Procedure
Turn on the load indicator switch and allow the indicator to start up. Depending on the
calibration method used the load indicated is either zero or is the combined weight of
the UUT and the hanging hoist mount. To zero the reading press the Tare button on
the load indicator panel and the load indicated should go to zero.
System Operating Procedure
The system is design to be operated in conjunction with the Mobile RHGSE as shown
on the cover of the manual. . ZOM-10000-2 describes the operation and maintenance
of the Mobile RHGSE in detail.
A checklist is provided to facilitate system operation, see page 16 and 17.
Test Procedures:
Test procedures are as described in the OEM’s operation. Detailed test procedures
are not included herein as they are out of the scope of this instruction manual.
System Maintenance
The connections to the UUT should be capped and stored in such a position that dirt is
not entrained into the system.
Schematic ZGS-12216-1
Component Manuals
Coffing Hoist Operating, Inspection and Maintenance Instructions with
parts list EMC-680
Load Cell Final Calibration Sheets
Load Cell Instruction Sheet M3000/SMB0996CRS
Load Cell Summing Box User’s Guide
Strain Gage Panel Meter User’s Guide
JWS Power Supply Information