Fixed Hoist Test Facility Operation and Maintenance Manual
ZOM-12000-2 rev 0
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permission from Zephyr International LLC. Copyright 4-1-2006
Load Cell Calibration
Set up and adjust the J-Box according to J-Box user Guide Section 4.2
Configure the load cell readout according to section 4 of the DP25B-S User manual.
Input type is +/- 50 mV
Set the decimal point to the default 0000
Refer to table 4.2 For Dip switch settings the range is 0-30 mV
Dip switch setting is
Set Rd.CF R.2=2
If a 600 lbs load is available Scale the meter according to section 4.3.1.
With the UUT mounted on the hanging hoist mount with no load on it and with the
mount attached to the load cells, store the IN 1 value as the unscaled display reading
shown and set the RD 1 value to zero.
Then lower the UUT hook and attach the load and raise the 600 lbs weight until the
weight is off the ground.
Store the IN 2 reading and input the Rd 2 value as 600 lbs.
Note: This procedure can be performed with a lower or a higher load, and the Rd 2
value is then adjusted to the exact weight used. Using a value of 600 lbs insures
maximum accuracy, but is not essential.
If no known load is available. The meter can be scaled as per J-Box user Guide
section 4.3.2.
Using this method the weight of the hanging hoist mount and the UUT can be
measured, and then the readout must be set to zero (Tared) when running the UUT
under load to measure the load on the wire rope.