TMD-Display One
Technical Support:
LED illumination control
: sets the behaviour of the LED on the button. The
options are “Disabled” and “Dedicated object” (see ANNEX I: LED
Illumination Modes for details about each option).
In case of selecting the latter, object “
[Xn] LED On/Off
” will be included in the
project topology (the desired values to make the LED turn on/off must be set
through “
Object Value
this parameter will remain hidden unless having selected “Configure
every button (pair) separately” in “
LED Illumination Control (All Buttons)
(see 2.3.1)
Figure 43
Individual Button - Binary.
: sets the value to be sent to the bus (through object “
[Btn] [Xn]
“) when the user touches the button. The options are “Send 0”, “Send
1” and “Toggle 0/1”.
LED illumination control
: analogous to the homonymous parameter for the
“Disabled” function (see above). The options in this case are “Regular”, “State
dependent” and “Dedicated object”.
Hold & Release
Figure 44
Individual Button – Hold & Release.
Action on Hold
: sets the value to be sent to the bus (through “
[Btn] [Xn]