TMD-Display One
Technical Support:
After enabling “
Welcome Back Object
” (see section 2.2.6), a new tab will be
incorporated into the tree on the left.
Figure 20
General - Welcome Back Object.
This screen contains the following parameters:
Timeout (since last touch)
: sets the minimum time (1 to 255 seconds, 1 to
255 minutes, or 1 to 255 hours) that should elapse after the last button touch
before the next one triggers the execution of the welcome back function.
Additional Condition
: sets if sending the welcome back object should also
depend on an external condition. The option by default is “No Additional
Condition”. The following are available too:
Do not send unless all additional conditions are 0: the welcome back
object will only be sent if all the condition objects are found to have the
value “0”.
Do not send unless all additional conditions are 1: the welcome back
object will only be sent if all the condition objects are found to have the
value “1”.
Do not send unless at least one of the additional conditions is 0: the
welcome back object will only be sent if at least one of the condition
objects is found to have the value “0”.
Do not send unless at least one of the additional conditions is 1: the
welcome back object will only be sent if at least one of the condition
objects is found to have the value “1”.