TMD-Display One
Technical Support:
The central LED indicator of every button, by default (in most functions), will turn on for
a brief instant whenever the button is touched. This behaviour is referred to as the
Regular Illumination
However, in most cases it is possible to assign different behaviours to the LEDs. Which
options are available will depend on the function parameterised for the button, but will
always include some of the following:
Regular Illumination
: the LED will light for an instant once the button is
State-Dependent Illumination
: the LED will or will not light, depending on the
value of the communication object that corresponds to the function
implemented by the button. The exact correspondence between the different
values of the object and the different states of the LED may be slightly
different from one type of control to another, and is detailed for each function.
State-Dependent Illumination (both LEDs
): only applies to buttons
configured as pair controls. The two LEDs of the control will light or not,
depending on the value of the related object and on the particular control type
parameterised for that pair of buttons. The only difference compared to the
previous case is that, under “both LEDs”, the two LEDs will always turn off or
on simultaneously, as if it were a unique indicator consisting of two LEDs.
Dedicated Object
: the LED will light or not depending on the value (“0” or “1”,
configurable) of a binary, independent object. In the case of the pair controls,
the value “0” will make one of the LEDs light (leaving the other one off), while
the value “1” will make them switch their states.
Table 1 illustrates which of the above are configurable for each function.
Regarding the LEDs, it is interesting to distinguish the following cases
Button Pair configured as “Disabled”
the two LEDs will be functionless (off).
Button Pair Configured as “Individual”, but buttons themselves disabled: the
LEDs will still be functionless (as above).