Technical Manual: Smartstart
IMI0042 rev D
Page 24
A30 Decel Method
The deceleration method allows adjustment of the
deceration profile and acceleration control of the
Soft Starter. This provides advanced control of the
motor during the ramp down time to better match
the type of load or application. This is especially
useful in resolving water hammer related
See Appendix A on Page 34-35 for more details.
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A31 Decel Profile
Select the type of deceleration profile to match
the type of load or application.
Linear; Squared
Default: Linear
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A32 Decel Control
Select the type of deceleration control to suit the
load or application. Torque control will provide
greater control over the deceleration / stopping
of a motor under load.
Torque; Voltage
Default: Linear
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A41 Motor Mtr OL Reset
Enter the level for the Motor over load protection
to allow a reset.
10 – 100%
Default: 90
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A42 Str OT Reset
Enter the level for the Starter over temperature
protection to allow a reset.
40 – 90° C
Default: 60° C
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A51 Motor Stator
Enter Details of the Motor Stator.
1.5 – 5.0%
Default: 3.0%
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A61 Try Tiny Motor
Allows a test of the starter using a small test
motor or motor smaller than the starter is rated.
Default: Disable
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The soft starter will trip on motor loss if motor
current falls below 12% of the entered FLC. This
creates a problem for workshop testing or fault
finding. If ‘Try Tiny Motor’ is enabled a start is
allowed which ignores this protection. When the
control supply is removed this automatically resets
to ’disabled’.
Decel Profile
Decel Control
A30 Decel Method