HDVI5 Component Video Switch
HDVI5 Component Video Switch
Relay Options (Cont'd)
1 2 3 4 5 SEL A1 A2
Channel Control - Steady State
1 2 3 4 5 SEL A1 A2
Channel Control - Momentary
Red LEDs indicate inputs that
activate relay.
Blue 'SEL' LED is lit.
Delay times indicate how long
a relay takes to turn off after
switching away from an active
A = Decrease delay
A2 = Increase delay
Delay times indicate how long a
relay stays on when switching to
an active input.
A = Decrease delay
A2 = Increase delay
Red 'SEL' LED is lit.
Press Pwr Button to
exit setup mode.
Press Pwr Button to
exit setup mode.
Red LEDs indicate inputs that
activate relay.
Channel Control Modes
If any channel LED is lit, then the relay will turn on when that chan-
nel is selected during normal operations. The 'SEL' button is used to
switch between the Steady State Mode, and the Momentar y Mode.
Channel Control - Steady State
In the Steady State Mode (when blue 'SEL' LED is lit) the relay will
remain on for as long as the HDVI5 is switched to an input that has
been setup to activate the relay. When the HDVI5 is switch to an
non-active channel, the relay will turn off after the delay time indi-
cated by the Blue input selection LEDs.
Use the 'SEL' button to switch to the Steady State Mode
(the blue 'SEL' LED is lit).
Use the Input Select buttons to chose which inputs will
activate the relay.
Use the 'A' and 'A2' buttons to adjust the amount of time
the relay remains active before turning itself off. The delay
times are indicated by the top row of blue LEDs and corre -
spond to the delay times given on the previous page.
Channel Control - Momentary
In the Momentar y Mode (the blue 'SEL' LED lit) the relay will turn on
for the amount of time indicated by the Blue input selection LEDs,
whenever the HDVI5 is switched to an input that has been setup to
activate the relay.
Use the 'SEL' button to switch to the Momentar y Mode (the
red 'SEL' LED is lit).
Use the Input Select buttons to chose which inputs will
activate the relay.
Use the 'A' and 'A2' buttons to adjust the amount of time
the relay is active before turning itself off. The delay times
are indicated by the top row of blue LEDs and correspond
to the following times. (See the previous page for relay