HDVI5 Component Video Switch
HDVI5 Component Video Switch
Input Cable Length Tuning
The HDVI5 features receiver equalization that can be used to com-
pensate for the losses that occur in var ying length, and var ying
quality, cables.
The HDVI5 allows for 5 levels of equalization. Using high quality
DVI or DVI to HDMI conversion cables, the HDVI5 can compensate for
cables of up to 65 feet (20 meters), on all its inputs and still reliably
receive a stable, spark le free image at 080p. Longer cable lengths
can be acheived at lower resolutions.
To tune an HDVI5's input to a specific cable length...
Step 1: Place the HDVI5 into the Cable Length Adj. Mode
Press the desired input and hold the button for seconds,
until the HDVI5 enters the Cable Length Adj. Mode.
Step 2: Enter the Cable Length Adj. Mode
Use the 'A' and 'A2' buttons to tune cable length.
'A' adjusts for shor ter cables.
'A2' adjusts for longer cables.
'SEL' switches to Bandwidth settings (See next page).
Shor t cables are indicate by only Red LEDs being lit.
Medium length cables are indicated by only Blue LEDs lit.
Long cables are indicated by Blue & Red LEDs being lit.
Use the Power Toggle button to exit the setup mode.
When a cable's tuning is too shor t, the display will begin to spark le,
eventually going blank . For best results, star t long, and use a length
a step or two above any noticeable ar tifacts on the screen.
Tuning a shor t cable too long increases its susceptibility to noise,
causing possible drop outs and spark les.
Output cable lengths depend on the display's receiver's
capabilities, and the quality of cabling used. The HDVI5
uses source termination to compensate for all lengths of
output cables, and to help in cases where the receiver
may not have followed the specifications properly.
Each input can be tuned individually and all settings are
saved in non-volatile memor y and are not affec ted by a
power failure.
1 2 3 4 5 SEL A1 A2
Step 1: Place the HDVI5 into the Cable Length Tuning Mode
Step 2: Adjust cable length settings
1 2 3 4 5 SEL A1 A2
Toggle between cable length
and bandwidth settings.
(Blue = Length, Red = Bandwidth)
Decrease Cable Length
Increase Cable Length
Exit Setup Mode
Press and hold the desired channel until
the HDVI5 enters the cable length tuning
This example demonstrates entering the
cable length setup mode for input '5'.