Zektor Switch Serial Protocol, Version 0.16, 5/13/16
Command Syntax
Error 1xx
- An error occurred while initializing the audio sub-section.
Error 2xx
- An error occurred while initializing the HDMI sub-section.
The Query Response
The query response is sent by the Zektor Switch to indicate a setting has changed, or as a response to a
query command. The query response string consists of the ‘=’ character followed by the command
string of the command being queried.
For instance, in the case of the power command:
^P ?$
Send a power request command to the A/V switch
Acknowledgement (the command has no errors)
^=P 1$
Query response indicating the power is on.
The response commands will always have a space following the command name. Parameters of the
response strings will always be of a fixed size for easier parsing. Leading zeros are used to enforce the
fixed size and positions of response strings.
For instance the response string of the “^SZ @1?$” can be:
^=SZ @001,003$
The zone and source parameters of this command will always be 3 digits long. This allows easier pars-
ing in some control systems.
Reference for Basic Control Commands
The following terms are used through out this manual.
An output. Zone and Output are used interchangeably throughout the manual. A single zone consists of
the combination of a HDMI video channel, and an HDMI audio channel for the HDMI switch. For
most commands, zones are indicated by using a ‘
’ prefix character. You can specify a range of zones
by separating the range with the ‘:’ character.
An input. Source and Inputs are used interchangeably throughout the manual. For commands that mix
sources with zones, ‘sources’ are indicated by numbers without a ‘
’ prefix.
A channel is an HDMI video path, or an HDMI audio path. Channels are used to control breakaway
features. Channels can be switched independently of each other.
The following channels are supported by the Zektor Switch:
- HDMI video channel.
- Reserved.
- Reserved.
- HDMI audio channel.
On a command line, a channel is indicated by a ‘.’ followed by the channel(s) number. Channel num-
bers can be combined by adding them together, for instance channel number 9 would refer to both the