Saving files
1. Save to Local Machine. --Default
You may save files to Workspace (E:\Workspace\”username”). A folder was created
there at login for each user.
2. Before leaving, save to Network Share -- “username” on ‘ITG File Server (zeus.itg.’(Z:)
Most users opt to save the data to their network share on our central server (named
Zeus). The server share is represented as the ‘Z:\’ drive in the windows environment.
ITG is equipped with gigabit ethernet, and saving to the Z:\ drive is relatively fast.
Also, this permits easy access to the data from any computer in the world using
secure file transfer protocol (sftp). Instructions on accessing your network share
remotely are available at
Saving as TIFFs (.tif)
Single images, z-stacks, multi-channel images will be saved as a series of TIFF images
that can be viewed in other programs (Adobe Photoshop, ImageJ, Imaris, Image Pro
Plus etc…).