Mass Flow
The mass flow test is used to quantify air flow values through a part, inspect for
occlusions blocking the flow path, and can also be used as a leak test.
The main program screen is identical to the setup of a pressure decay test. The coupling
menu will behave as described earlier in the manual.
The flow parameter screen has all the needed timers and limits to run the test. The test
can be performed with or without a fill step. The fill step uses a bypass circuit to achieve test
pressure in the unit under test. The test can be setup without the fill step; this will subject the
device to fill through the sensor which may fill at a lower rate.
The scale of the graph in the ‘main’ screen line
-format is set by the min and max flow values.
The top of the graph is the max flow value and the bottom of the graph is the min flow value.
The horizontal scale is the total cycle time. A vertical line will represent the change between fill
and test.
Max Flow Value
Min Flow Value