6.1 Preparation to Calibrate the YSI Sensor Suite
The EcoMapper carries the sensor bulkhead of a YSI 6600 V2-4 Sonde. This bulkhead allows for a selection of four
optic probes, the pH/ORP probe, and the temperature/conductivity probe, in addition to a depth sensor. If you are
familiar with YSI sondes, the calibration process will be very similar aside from a few changes to accommodate
sideways calibration and Remote Desktop.
This calibration section is not intended to be an exhaustive source of information on YSI sensor calibration and
principles of operation. However, it will provide sufficient information to calibrate and maintain the sensor
suite for normal applications. For any additional information on the sensor suite, please refer to the YSI 6-Series
Multiparameter Water Quality Sondes User Guide available online at www.ysi.com.
To calibrate the YSI sensors suite/compass, you will need to access the vehicle’s Remote Desktop. Refer to
Section 4.1 to learn how to establish a WiFi connection and connect to the vehicle’s Remote Desktop.
6.11Calibration Overview
You should time YSI sensor calibration according to use. Follow your agency’s standard operating procedures (SOPs)
to determine when and how often you should calibrate each sensor. You will need to calibrate some sensors more often
than others. If your agency does not have SOPs regarding calibration frequency, please contact YSI Technical
Support for further guidance
Repeated use will eventually require all YSI sensors to be replaced (although there is not a specific sensor
lifetime, proper maintenance will greatly increase sensor life). From calibration to calibration, you may notice the
sensors drift from their ideal range. You will correct most sensor drift through calibration; pH is the only sensor on the
vehicle that will ‘wear out’ within a year or two. Whenever you receive an “Out of Range” message during calibration,
be sure to try and troubleshoot the problem before you replace the sensor. Anytime an “Out of Range” message appears
that you cannot troubleshoot, call YSI Technical Support.
6.12 Access the Hyperterminal
The software used to calibrate the EcoMapper is identical to calibration software in EcoWatch (used for
sondes). However, you will access the sonde’s firmware via hyperterminal. The Remote Desktop should
have a hyperterminal icon on its desktop labeled ‘Sonde.’ Double-click the icon to access the Sonde Main
Menu. Or, you may access the hyperterminal manually if the icon is not on your desktop.
The vehicle’s remote desktop should have an icon named ‘Sonde.’
1. Double-click the icon to access the sonde main menu for calibration.
2. Data will now scroll across the screen. (This data is NMEA code sent to the vehicle’s UVC.)
3. Hit the ‘ESC’ key to prompt the ‘#’ symbol.
4. Type ‘menu’ after the ‘#’ symbol and hit ‘Enter’ to access the Sonde Main Menu.