B.1 Description
SonarMosaic is a program created to “stich” together sonar images into an image that can be viewed, analyzed, and
used by VectorMap to overlay sonar files onto the mission log. Following these simple steps will allow you to convert
the EcoMapper’s sonar data into a useable format.
B.2 Running SonarMosaic
This section assumes that you have installed/updated SonarMosaic as instructed in Appendix A.3.
Once you have download all data following a sonar mission, open SonarMosaic. You will process the files by following
a few easy steps to quickly convert as many files as necessary. You may convert files one at a time or put them all into a
queue to process automatically.
1. Click ‘File’ > ‘Open.’
2. You will be prompted by a browse screen to open a .81s (sonar) file. Browse to the file, click it and select
‘Open.’ If you wish to process multiple files, use “Ctrl+click” to select individual files or “Shift+Click” on the
first and last files to select all files in between.