4.3 Pre-Launch Check
Before you place the vehicle in the water, you should go through a series of steps to ensure that all of the EcoMapper’s
components are working properly.
• Control Planes
• Propeller
• Instruments
• Battery Charge
• Compass
• Vacuum Seal Test
• Buoyancy and Balance
• Pinger frequency
• Safety Rules
Always ensure that the safety rule time out is longer than the estimated mission time.
4.31 Control Planes and Prop Function
1. On the UVC main screen, click the ‘Go On’ icon.
2. Near the virtual joystick on the right side of the window, move the pitch, yaw, and prop speed scroll bars and
visually confirm that each control plane and the prop are operating correctly. Also visually confirm that the
components are not damaged.
Do not run the prop at high-speeds or for extended periods of time out of the water. This action can damage
the seals. Always keep fingers and body parts clear of propeller when in motion.