5.33 Enable/Disable Log
The ‘Enable/Disable Log’ function is designated by an icon of a hand writing in a notebook when enabled. A disabled
log is designated by the same icon with a red X over it.
In the ‘LogMain’ window, you may alter the log record rate in milliseconds (ms) by highlighting the value in the ‘Log
Every’ box and manually inputting the desired value, or click the up and down arrows on the side of the box to change
the value.
If you wish to disable the log function entirely, click the blue ‘Disable Log’ button. This prevents the vehicle from
recording any data during the mission.
If you click the ‘Disable Log’ button, no data will be collected during the mission.
You may also manually disable specific log functions if you want to avoid collecting unnecessary data.
1. Click the small blue dropdown arrow at the bottom, left corner of the ‘LogMain’ window.
2. Deselect any of the desired main headings by clicking the checkbox associated with the function.
3. To disable more specific logs, click the plus sign next to a main heading to view additional log points.
4. Deselect any of the desired headings by clicking the checkbox associated with the function.
5.34 Vehicle Notes
The ‘Vehicle Notes’ function is designated by a notepad and pen. You may write notes about a specific mission and
save them to the UVC for future reference or view past notes written by yourself or another user. To write a note:
1. In the ‘New Note’ section, type your comments in the ‘Note’ box.
2. Type your name in the ‘User’box.
3. Type necessary notes in the ‘New Note’ section.
4. Click Add to save it to the vehicle’s ‘Notes Logged’ section
5. Click ‘Export’ to save your note to an outside folder.
5.35 Show Latest Mission
Displays the last mission run by the AUV.