3. Immediatley following file selection, you will be asked to open the log file for the mission. SonarMosaic
should prompt you with the name of the desired file in the window header. Select this file and select ‘Open’.
4. Once you click ‘Open,’ the file(s) will immediately begin to be processed. This may take several minutes
depending on the speed of your computer and the amount of files to be processed. After SonarMosaic has
processed all requested files, a window will appear to notify you of success.
SonarMosaic outputs three different files upon completion.
• fileName.tif
- Sonar file viewable in any image viewing application and used in conjunction with th elog files
in VectorMap.
• fileName.TFW
- Metadata created from processed sonar file.
• logfileNameBD_Corr
- Log file corrected for drift and pitch by using actual collected GPS data.
You can now overlay the generated .tif files onto your maps in VectorMap or view them in an image viewing