FORM 100.50-NOM1 (604)
*** SERVICE ***
Sys 1 Comp Runtimes
Comp A = 347.1 hrs
Comp B = 368.7 hrs
*** SERVICE ***
Fan Runtimes
Supply = 1258.3 hrs
Exhaust = 948.2 hrs
*** SERVICE ***
Sys 1 Comp Starts
Comp A = 756
Comp B = 685
*** SERVICE ***
OAT Lockouts
Cooling = NO
Heating = NO
The Service key will move the display to the
rst dis play
item of the Service function group. The Service func-
tion group of display items will give access to ser vice
related in for ma tion. The Service Function group of
display items will be pri ma ri ly view only.
The following parameter types can be changed. All oth-
ers are display only.
• Four Airflow Measurement Station (AMS) pa-
ram e ters.
• Four/six compressor runtimes can be reset to zero
but cannot be reset to a speci
c value.
Resetting the compressor run times to
zero will result in that compressor run-
ning fi rst on a call for cooling until the
run time becomes equal to or greater
than the other compressors.
• Four/six compressor starts
• Supply and exhaust fan runtimes can be set to zero
but cannot be reset to a speci
c value.
When the service key is pressed, the following is
Display shows accumulated com pres sor run time.
Line 2 Sys X Comp Runtimes
Line 3 Comp A = XXXXX.X hrs
Line 4 Comp B = XXXXX.X hrs
Display repeats for compressor systems 1, 2, and 3. If
the unit is con
gured as a 4-compressor unit, Display
3 (Sys 3 Comp Runtimes) will show N/A for both
Display shows the number of starts on each com-
pres sor.
Line 2 Sys X Comp Starts
Line 3 Comp A = XXXXXX
Line 4 Comp B = XXXXXX
Display repeats for compressor systems 1, 2 & 3. If the
unit is con
gured as a 4 compressor unit, Display 3 (Sys
3 Comp starts) will show N/A for both com pres sors.
This display shows accumulated fan run times for the
sup ply and exhaust fans
Line 2 Fan Runtimes
Line 3 Supply = XXXXX.X hrs
Line 4 Exhaust= XXXXX.X hrs
This display shows the lockout status of cooling or
heat ing as compared to the “lockout” setpoints under
the Unit Set up key.
Line 2 OAT Lockouts
Line 3 Cooling = NO (YES)
Line 4 Heating = NO (YES)