FORM 100.50-NOM1 (604)
full air
ow ca pa bil i ties. The complete system is
designed as an in te grat ed component of the Opti-
con trol sys tem to ensure optimum sys tem
per for mance.
Double-wall construction –
Rigid double-wall
construction throughout provides ease of clean ing
and protects against in su la tion
ber en train ment in
the breath able air. Dou ble-wall con struc tion also
helps im prove the acous ti cal char ac ter is tics of the
air han dling unit.
Enhanced fi ltration –
The eco
gives de sign ers
ex i bil i ty to meet various IAQ re quire ments
with a full range of rigid and throwaway
l ters at
var i ous ef
cien cy levels.
Reliable, ef
cient, trou ble-free operation is the true
mea sure of a packaged rooftop’s val ue. That’s why
YORK eco
Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioners use
es tab lished scroll-com pres sor technology to de liv er
de pend able, eco nom i cal performance in a wide range
of ap pli ca tions. With the eco
Packaged Rooftop, you
get the latest gen er a tion of compressor en hance ments
added to the scroll’s inherent strengths. The sim plic i ty
of a hermetic scroll compressor allows the use of fewer
moving parts to minimize breakdown. The result: a
maintenance-free compressor providing minimum wear
and maximum runtime.
A scroll compressor op er ates with two scroll mem bers—
xed scroll and an identical orbiting scroll turned 180
de grees, like two hands curled and in ter locked to geth er.
As the or bit ing scroll oscillates against the
xed scroll,
it traps and compresses suction gas inside in vo lute
pock ets. As the orbiting scroll moves, the gas is com-
pressed into the central area, where it is discharged as
com pressed gas. High ef
cien cy is achieved through
a pre cise ly con trolled orbit and the use of advanced
scroll ge om e try. There is no wast ed motion. All ro tat ing
parts are stat i cal ly and dynamically balanced to ensure
op ti mal per for mance over the long haul.
Balanced components and precision machining also
ensure that smooth com pres sion occurs in all involute
pockets si mul ta neous ly. When com pres sion forces are
equally distributed over the en tire scroll surface, equal
forces in opposing directions cancel one another, min-
i miz ing any imbalance. Con se quent ly, compression is
smooth, continuous, and quiet. Vibration isolators on
each compressor handle normal vibration. For extra
qui et operation, acoustic sound blankets for each com-
pres sor are available as options.
fully-integrated factory-pack aged
con trols are standard on every unit and in clude a
dis play unit with a 4x20 character LCD display.
con tin u al ly mon i tors all con trol
set points and con
g u ra tions. If a unit or con trol
component or sen sor fails, the controller no ti
the user of a prob lem. If de sired, YORK ser vice
can pro vide re mote mon i tor ing and au to mat i cal ly
sched ule a ser vice tech ni cian to make the re pair and
main tain your comfort.
Access doors –
full-sized access doors provide
easy access into the unit for routine maintenance
and inspection.
Optional Suction & discharge service valves
over sized ser vice valves to provide isolation
and quick rec la ma tion and charging of system re-
frigerant are avail able to minimize down time and
simplify the ser vice and re pair task.
Optional VFD Fan Motor Control with Manual
By pass –
Op tion al manual VFD bypass reduces
time re quired for trou ble shoot ing, commissioning
and sys tem balancing.
Optional Convenience Outlet –
for maintenance
tasks re quir ing power tools, an optional 110V GFCI
power sup ply can power lights, drills or any oth er
power hand tool needed.
Optional Filter Maintenance Alarm –
An optional
lter main te nance alarm indicates when a
lter be-
comes dirty and re quires replacement or cleaning.
Factory run-tested –
Each unit is subjected to a
series of quality assurance checks as well as an au-
to mat ed quality control process before being run-
test ed. Fans and drives are balanced at the fac to ry
during test ing. The factory run-test ensures safe,
proper op er a tion when the unit is installed, and
re duc es in stal la tion and commissioning time.