FORM 100.50-NOM1 (604)
Optional Single-point power connection –
point pow er connection reduces installation time by
pro vid ing a single point for incoming power, includ-
ing the op tion al convenience outlet. All incoming
pow er is connected in one location, reducing the
cost of
eld-supplied and installed power wiring.
Factory-mounted and wired controls –
All con trol
points within the unit are factory-installed, wired
and test ed. The OptiLogic
controls can com mu -
ni cate with BACNet IP, BACNet, MSTP or LON.
Optional Non-fused disconnect –
A factory-in-
stalled non-fused disconnect switch simpli
es unit
installation and ser vice abil i ty by reducing installed
labor costs. The dis con nect switch is interlocked
with the pow er cab i net ensuring that all power to
the unit has been dis con nect ed before servicing.
Design Flexibility
Low Ambient Operation –
Head-pressure con trol
is accomplished via a VFD motor controller rather
than an in ef
cient and noisy condenser fan damp er.
By varying the speed of the condenser fan, better
con trol and quieter operation is obtained dur ing the
colder months. Low ambient controls are available
on all systems offering higher rooftop cool ing ca-
pac i ty than competitive units.
Hot Gas Bypass –
Optional on constant vol ume units,
hot gas bypass reduces the cycling of com pres sors
which helps prolong the life of the equip ment. Hot
Gas Bypass is standard on VAV.
Supply Air Openings –
Side supply con nec tions
are avail able on se lect con
g u ra tions, of fer ing more
ex i bil i ty for duct layout and im prov ing sound
trans mis sion char ac ter is tics.
Optional Compressor Sound Blankets –
applications in sound-sensitive areas, compressor
sound blan kets are available to reduce sound emit-
ted from the roof top unit.
Fan Spring Isolators –
One-inch (de
ection) spring
isolation is standard. Two-inch spring isolation is
available as an option. Spring isolation is used to
prevent vibration transmission from the roof top
unit's supply to the building.
Harsh Environments –
A variety of coil coating
and materials, as well as hail guards, are available
to pro tect coils from weather damage. Seismic and
hur ri cane duty curbs and fan restraints are avail-