FORM 100.50-NOM1 (604)
Cooling SAT Limit #1
This tells the control what the low limit is for the
SAT during mechanical cooling when only one com-
pres sor is operating as used for excessive SAT cool ing
eval u a tion (used on Constant Volume units only).
Cooling SAT Limit #2
This tells the control what the low limit is for the SAT
during mechanical cooling when more than one com-
pres sor is operating as used for excessive SAT cooling
evaluation (used on Constant Volume units only).
Heating SAT Limit
This tells the control what the high limit is for the
Sup ply Air Temperature during heating operation as
used for excessive SAT heating evaluation.
Power Exhaust Confi g
This tells the control if the unit is supplied with a
Power Exhaust System and what type of power ex-
haust sys tem it is. There are four (4) options:
No Powered Exhaust:
This Power Exhaust Con
guration setting is set
to 0 when the unit is not equipped with a powered
ex haust.
2-Position Control Based on OAD Po si tion:
The Power Exhaust Con
guration setting is set
to 1 for this exhaust system. This is a two-posi-
tion control based on OAD Position, and cycles
a single speed exhaust fan based on the position
of the Out side Air Damper (OAD).
2-Position Control Based on Build ing Pres-
The Power Exhaust Con
guration setting is set to
2 for this exhaust system. This is a two-position
control based on building pressure and cycles a
sin gle speed exhaust fan based on the static pres-
sure within the building or space.
Proportional Control Based on
Building Pres sure:
The Power Exhaust Con
guration setting is set
to 3 for this exhaust system. This setting is pro-
por tion al control based on building pressure and
mod u lates either a dis charge damper on a single
speed ex haust fan, or mod u lates a Variable Fre-
quency Drive (VFD) on a vari able speed exhaust
fan based on the static pressure within the building
or space. The control output is the same for either
Economizer Installed
This setting tells the control that there is Economizer
hardware installed on the unit.
Airfl ow Meas Confi g
This tells the control what outside air
ow mea sure -
ment equipment is installed on the unit. There are two
op tions: Minimum and Full.
• The Minimum setting indicates that the air
mea sur ing equipment is only capable of mea-
sur ing and con trol ling the minimum airflow
requirement (typ i cal ly 10-30% of unit air
• The Full setting indicates that the air
ow mea-
sur ing equipment is capable of measuring and
con trol ling the full air
ow capability of the unit
(Low Ac cu ra cy Op tion).
Airfl ow Measurement Station #1 Parameters
ow Measurement Station (AMS) #1 is used for the
Minimum and Full options. The AMS #1 pa ram e ters
are given below. If the "
Unit Setup"
parameter set ting
OA Flow Cntrl Enable"
is set to OFF, this setting
will be ignored by the control.
AMS #1 Area
This tells the control what the cross sectional area is
for the AMS #1. The area is used to calculate air
through the AMS based on the average velocity of air
through the AMS.
AMS #1 K-Factor
This setting will be used to correct for any AMS mea-
sure ment error (test and balance correction). If the
outside air
ow indicated by the unit is shown to be
dif fer ent than actually measured by a test and balance
person, this setting will be used to make a correction to
the indicated measurement. This correction is a sin gle
point correction and adjusts offset only. The ratio will
indicate the
Actual Airfl ow (Test and Balance)
di vid ed
by the
Unit Indicated Airfl ow