FORM 100.50-NOM1 (604)
BI #4, 5, & 6 , Furnace Module #1, 2, & 3 Status
For future use.
BI #7, Thermostat “G” Input
The thermostat “G” or fan output is connected to BI #7.
BI #7 is monitored when the controller determines that
a thermostat is to be used for temperature control. The
Supply Fan is controlled as follows subject to spe ci
conditions described in the Constant Volume or Variable
Air Volume sections:
• Turn Supply Fan ON – 24VAC input present.
• Turn Supply Fan OFF - 24VAC input not present.
BI #8, Occupied / Unoccupied Input
The Occupied/Unoccupied input is used to determine
when occupied or unoccupied control modes are to be
used. The source of the input may be a time clock, a
thermostat with a clock function or an occupancy sen sor.
The occupancy status is indicated as;
• Occupied – Occupied/Unoccupied 24VAC in put
• Unoccupied – Occupied/Unoccupied input 24VAC
not present.
BI #9, Shutdown Input
The Shutdown input will be monitored by the control. The
control will interpret the Shutdown input as fol lows:
• Shut down condition – Shutdown 24VAC input
• Not in shut down condition – Shut down 24VAC
in put not present.
When the Shutdown input is present, the control will
within 1 second:
• Set all binary outputs to low (de-energize).
• Set all analog outputs to zero volts.
This input will have priority over all operation.
BI #10, Smoke Purge Input
The Smoke Purge input will monitored by the control.
The control will interpret this input as follows:
• Smoke purge required – Smoke Purge 24VAC in put
• Smoke purge not required – Smoke Purge 24VAC
input not present.
When the Smoke Purge input has been continuously
present for 5 seconds or more, the control will:
• Read the Smoke Purge parameter value.
• If the Smoke Purge parameter value is zero, no
action is taken.
• If the Smoke Purge parameter value is not zero.
• All heating or cooling is shutdown and made un-
avail able.
• The con
gured Smoke Purge Op er a tion will be
car ried out.
BI #11, Supply Fan Status
An air
ow switch is used to verify the status of the Sup-
ply Fan. When air
ow is detected, the binary 24VAC
input is present.
Supply Fan Fault:
When the control turns the Supply Fan ON, the Sup-
ply Fan Status input will be monitored following a 60
sec ond start up delay. If the Supply Fan Status input is
not present after the delay, the unit is shut down and a
Sup ply Fan Fault"
is declared.
If the Supply Fan is operating normally and the Supply
Fan Status input is no longer present, the control will
delay for 30 seconds. If after 30 seconds, the input is not
present, the control will shut down the unit and de clare
a "
Supply Fan Fault"
If a "
Supply Fan Fault"
occurs, the controller will
re quire a manual reset to clear the fault and allow the
unit to restart.
Air Switch Fault:
When the Supply Fan is shut OFF, if the Supply Fan
Status input is still present af ter a 5 minute shutdown
delay, the control will declare an "
Air Switch Fault"
An Air Switch Fault will not cause the
unit to shut down; however, the fault
will re main ac tive until the air prov ing
switch in di cates nor mal op er a tion.