Selecting the Number of PG (Encoder) Pulses
Selecting the Number of PG (Encoder) Pulses
× PG rating (p
∕rev) = 20, 000 Hz
The maximum response frequency is 32,767 Hz.
Use a PGthat outputs a maximum frequency of approximately 20 kHz for the rotational speed of the motor.
Motor speed at maximum frequency output (r
Some examples of PG output frequency (number of pulses) for the maximum frequency output are shown
in Table 3.17.
PG Pulse Selection Examples
PG Pulse Selection Examples
Motor’s Maximum Speed (r/min)
PG Rating
PG Output Frequency for Maximum
Frequency Output (Hz)
Note 1.The motor speed at maximum frequency output is expressed as the sync rotation speed.
2. The PG power supply is 12 V.
3. A separate power supply is required if the PG power supply capacity is greater than200 mA.
(If momentary power loss must be handled, use a backup capacitor or othermethod.)
power supply
Capacitor for power momentary
power loss
PG-B2 Connection Example
There are 5 V and 12 V PG power supplies.
Check the PG power supply specifications before connecting.
The maximum response frequency is 300 kHz.
Use the following equation to computer the output frequency of the PG (fPG).
Motor speed at maximum frequency output (r
× PG rating (p
A separate power supply is required if the PG power supply capacity is greater than 200 mA. (If momentary
power loss must be handled, use a backup capacitor or other method.)
PG power
Capacitor for momentary
power loss
PG-X2 Connection Example (for 12 V PG power supply)
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