System Overview ProSafe-COM 3.00
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| This part of the tag file defines logical addresses for some digital and |
| diagnostics tags in a PLC. The first logical address is a Modbus address, |
| the second one is a V-net address and the third an OPC logical address. |
#MBUS_INPUT_1#, ##, (MBU, 1,1,#input_16#) (Y,N,B,N, 1), B 100 (N,0),
WB 0112 01 PV (N , 0 , , , , , , 1 ),
#/plc/in_01# VT_BOOL (N , , ,#1/8bytes#, , , 10, 0 );
#CCM1_PRESENT#, ##, (SYS, 4,1,0) (Y,N,B,N), R 0x5000:1 (N,0),
WB 0113 02 PV (N , 0 , , , , , , 1 ),
#/sys/in_01# VT_BOOL (N , , ,#1/8bytes#, , , 10, 0 );
Some explanation to the tag file
#MBUS_INPUT_1# is the actual ProSafe-COM tag name (maximally 25 characters)
between ## a description can be given (maximally 25 characters)
(MBU,1,1, #input_16#) is a physical ProSafe-PLC address on CCM 1, pathid (program sheet) 1 and
tag “input_16”
(Y,N,B,N,1) defines event generation, event generated by hardware, data type, ProSafe-COM
start-up output write value and read-only access
B 100 is a logical Modbus bit address, with (N, 0) indicating event filtering off and the way of scaling
(not applicable for boolean)
R 0x5000:1 is a logical Modbus register address
WB 0112 01 PV (N,0,,,,,,1) is a logical V-net address defining a boolean, with (N,0,,,,,,1) indicating
event filtering off, no scaling and no write boundary checking and event message category 1
(CENTUM CS3000 / VP historical overview only).
#/plc/in_01# VT_BOOL (N , , ,#1/8bytes#, , , 10, 0 ) is an example of an OPC logical address.
Connecting logical address and interface
The link between logical address set and a specific interface is set in the configuration file. See below for
part of a configuration file, where the link is set. The logical address sets are linked to the various COM
ports and to V-net and OPC. The engineer of the ProSafe safety system will set these links.
| Communication definition |
| Port | Slave | Logic | Baud | Word | Parity | Stopbits |Master|
| | | address| | | | | |
| | | set | | | | | |
COM 1 , 1 , 1 , 9600 , 8 , None , 1 , N;
Importing and exporting tag names
The tag file can be imported and exported from and to the engineering work station (EWS) of the
This makes it easy to guard the integrity of tag names used in ProSafe-COM and the CENTUM CS3000 /
It is strongly recommended to use the same names for identical entities as much as possible. This applies
to both naming within the tag file as to naming across the various systems.
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Copyright Yokogawa Europe Solutions B.V.
TI48J01A00-00E Oct 2010