System Overview ProSafe-COM 3.00
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Figure 13: Forcing status
The override can be switched off manually by a system operator. But a logic program can also
automatically reset the override. The latter is more secure and has more possibilities. The logic file of
ProSafe-COM can be configured to automatically end overrides after a certain time or in case of a certain
condition. The logic file can also limit the number of overrides that can occur simultaneously.
2.5 Configuring
The software running on ProSafe-COM must be configured. The functionality of ProSafe-COM and the
way it exchanges data can be defined beforehand.
Configuring is done by making three configuration files with the COM SET. These files are compiled and
loaded into ProSafe-COM. ProSafe-COM interprets these files at start-up time.
The configuration files are:
Configuration file
Tag file
Logic file
The configuration file and the tag file are mandatory. The logic file is optional.
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TI48J01A00-00E Oct 2010