System Overview ProSafe-COM 3.00
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I/O emulation tool
9.1 EmuTool
EmuTool is an engineering tool that emulates the safety systems or the DCS interfaces.
The ProSafe-COM can be fully tested without having the safety system or DCS connected. ProSafe-COM
is loaded with the normal configuration files.
All other non-emulated interfaces and ProSafe-COM functions are fully operational.
So the DCS engineers can develop their mimics and control functionality and test the communication with
the safety system without having a connection to the actual safety system.
Changes in I/O tags and event generation are invoked via the EmuTool.
The EmuTool can either run on the ProSafe-COM (provided that VDU and keyboard are connected), or on
another PC in the network.
Platform EmuTool
EmuTool is a Windows-based, graphically oriented software package. The package runs on any modern
PC with Windows NT or higher.
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Copyright Yokogawa Europe Solutions B.V.
TI48J01A00-00E Oct 2010