System Overview ProSafe-COM 3.00
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ProSafe-COM System Engineering Tool
8.1 COM
COM SET is the engineering tool for ProSafe-COM and MODCOM. COM SET is a powerful tool during
engineering, commissioning, test & maintenance of ProSafe-COM. Engineering, monitoring and
diagnosing ProSafe-COM can be completely done with COM SET.
COM SET and ProSafe-COM can either communicate via a COM port using the Modbus RTU interface, or
via a network that supports TCP (Modbus/TCP).
Platform COM SET
COM SET is a Windows-based, graphically oriented software package. It comprises editors, compilers
and diagnostics capabilities. The package runs on any modern PC with Windows NT or newer.
8.2 Engineering
In brief the COM SET engineering steps are as follows:
ProSafe-COM Engineering
Figure 29: ProSafe-COM engineering
In case of re-engineering the same steps have to be executed. For a more detailed description refer to the
ProSafe-COM Engineering
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TI48J01A00-00E Oct 2010