IM 2558A-01EN
Selectable range: –20.00% to +20.00%
Resolution: 0.01%
Deviation target: Voltage or current output. Frequency if FREQUENCY METER is selected in the
frequency settings.
When you change the numerator n of the output divider feature, the deviation is set to a value based
on the change in n and the preset.
When you calibrate a meter, you will change the numerator n of the output divider feature to move the
calibration point. A preset is used to take the meter error or overshoot into consideration so that when
you move the calibration point, the calibration point is not exceeded.
The sign of the deviation preset is positive when calibrating in increasing order (calibrating from the
smallest value) and negative when calibrating in decreasing order (calibrating from the largest value).
The deviation is set to +5% when the numerator n of the output divider feature increases
and –5% when it decreases.
The deviation is set to +2% when the numerator n of the output divider feature increases
and -2% when it decreases.
The deviation is set to 0% when the numerator n of the output divider feature changes.
OFF: Presets are not used.
• When you change the preset setting, the deviation is set to the preset value.
• You cannot change the preset while a sweep is in progress.
• If you flip the PRESET switch down from the OFF position, the deviation will be set to 0.00%.
• The default preset is 0.
<<Command Mnemonic>>
:DEViation:PRESet {<
:DEViation:VALue {<
5.7 Finely Adjusting the Output (Deviation and Preset)