Manufacturers of low power instruments
page 119
4.46.2 Payload example
Please find below an example containing multiple snippets.
Note that the comment // is include for informative purpose only and should not be included in real JSON.
// Global Settings
"dn":"Station 1",
//New device name
//New normal data log interval in seconds
//New alarm data log interval in seconds
//New time zone
in hours
//Unknown members will be ignored
// Driver Settings
//Current name of the addressed driver
//Set sample interval equal to data log interval
//New warm-up time of connected sensor
"dn":"Probe 1
//New driver name
//name of the addressed driver
//New send interval
// Parameter/channel Settings
//Current code of addressed parameter
//New unit text
//New value factor
//New value offset
//New parameter code
//New parameter name
//Current code of addressed parameter
//New unit text
//New value factor
//New value offset
//New parameter code
//New parameter name
//Unknown objects will be ignored