Manufacturers of low power instruments
page 57
These are the values you want to get recorded from the data sentence(s).
Each parameter has 3 properties.
Sentence filter
If a serial device can output multiple different sentences you can distinguish them from each other by
specifying a sentence filter text to capture your parameter from the correct matching sentence. You can
leave the filter ‘blank’, if the device outputs one type of sentence only.
Field position
A captured sentence is split up in multiple fields based on the chosen separator character. The first field
starts has position number 0.
Field type
The format of the field vale, this can be a ‘Numeric’ ASCII presentation (e.g. -123.45), a ‘Hexadecimal’
ASCII presentation (e.g. 00FF) or a single character. Note: a single character will be recorded as a its
ASCII numeric value (e.g. ‘A’ will be recorded as 65).
An NMEA-0183 compliant weather station could output the wind direction and speed with the following
sentence. This sentence contains 6 comma separated fields.
The ‘Wind direction’ value is found at position 1 in the sentence and the sentence can be distinguished
from other NMEA sentence by sp
ecifying ‘MWV’ as the ‘Sentence filter’.
4.19.4 Generic NMEA
Similar to ‘Generic ASCII’-driver, but you don’t have to specify start/stop and separation characters as
they are defined by the NMEA-0183 protocol. Additionally,
the ‘Generic NMEA’ driver supports the
NMEA-0183 checksum verification.
Serial parameter input settings
[0] Exit
[1] Sentence filter >> MWV
[2] Field position >>
[3] Field type >> Numeric
[4] Parameter settings >> Wind direction
Serial parameter input settings
[0] Exit
[1] Sentence filter >> MWV
[2] Field position >>
[3] Field type >> Numeric
[4] Parameter settings >> Wind direction