Manufacturers of low power instruments
page 114
When no name for the data logger is specified the unique serial number of the data logger will be taken as
“edge_node_name” and the generated topic namespace would look similar to:
4.45.2 Data output
At regular intervals the data logger connects with the server to transfer its readings and depending on the
applications and/or power constrains it can be any minute, once a day or something in between. The data
logger can be instructed to send just the last known values (actual values) or the total history recorded
between now and the previous succeeded transfer session (log data).
In case of “Actual Values” only, the data logger will publish an NBIRTH message with the last know values
and gracefully disconnect from the server.
In case of “Log Data”, the data logger will first publish an NBIRTH message with the last know values along
with their “aliases” and followed by one NDATA message containing the total history recorded between
now and the previous succeeded transfer session. “Aliases” are used to keep the payload limited in size.
The “alias” assignments will not change between sessions, unless something has changed to the
configuration of the “Metrics”.
4.45.3 Metrics
An YDOC data logger, depending on the edition and installed options, can acquire physical signals by
current loop, voltage and digital inputs as well as capture readings from serial sensors by MODBUS, NMEA,
12 or ASCII protocols. It’s also equipped with a calculation and aggregation engine.
A total of max 64 channels/tags, which we refer to as parameters, can be defined. These parameters will
be inserted as Metrics at the Node level (NBIRTH and NDATA).
The name and other attributes of each parameter can be customized as needed.
Name of Metric
The name (max 23 tokens) of a parameter is used as a place holder for the name of the concerned Metric.
The name of Metric may contain one or more slashes to create a hierarchical structure, however keep in
mind the max size of 23 tokens including slashes.
Parameter settings
[0] Exit
[1] Name >> Inputs/A
[2] Code >> INA
[3] Unit >> mA
[4] Value factor >> 1
[5] Value offset >> 0
[6] Decimals >> 3
[7] Data log >> On
[8] Data output >> Modem
[-] Alarm message >> Disabled
[A] Alarm log >> Off
[-] Alarm output >> Disabled