Disconnect the tool from the power supply before replacing the
tool to be inserted or accessory.
Use accessories and consumables only in the sizes and types
recommended by the manufacturer. Do not use accessories in
other sizes and types. Avoid direct contact with the tool to be
inserted during and after work, it can be hot or sharp. Check
that the maximum working speed of the tool to be inserted is
higher than the rated speed of the grinder or polisher. Check
that the maximum cutting speed of the tool to be inserted is
higher than the rated tool speed. Never mount an abrasive
wheel, a cutting wheel or a cutter on the grinder. A damaged
abrasive wheel may cause very serious injuries or death. Do
not use cracked or broken wheels or wheels that have been
dropped. Use only permitted tools to be inserted with the cor-
rect mandrel diameter. Note that the rotational speed of the
mounting point must be reduced due to the increased shaft
length between the end of the sleeve and the mounting point.
Make sure that the minimum length of the mandrel clamped
in the tool chuck is at least 10 mm (also take into account the
tools to be inserted manufacturer’s recommendations). Avoid
mistakes when adjusting the diameter of the mandrel of the
tool to be inserted and the clamp of the pneumatic tool.
Hazards connected with the workplace
Slips, stumbles and falls are the main causes of injury. Beware
of slippery surfaces caused by using the tool, as well as trip-
ping hazards caused by the air system. Proceed with caution
in an unfamiliar environment. Hidden hazards may exist, such
as electricity or other utility lines. The pneumatic tool is not
intended for use in potentially explosive zones and is not insu-
lated from contact with electricity. Make sure that there are no
electric cables, gas pipes, etc. which could pose a risk in the
case of damage with the tool.
Fumes and dust hazards
Dust and fumes from pneumatic tools can cause ill health (e.g.
cancer, congenital malformations, asthma and/or dermatitis),
it is necessary to: assess the risks and implement appropriate
control measures with regard to these risks. The risk assess-
ment shall include the impact of the dust generated by the tool
and the possibility of existing dust disruption. The air outlet shall
be so directed as to minimise the disruption of dust in a dusty en-
vironment. Where dust or fumes are generated, priority should
be given to controlling them at the source of the emission. All
integrated functions and accessories for collecting, extracting or
reducing dust or fumes should be properly operated and main-
tained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Use
respiratory protection in accordance with the employer’s instruc-
tions and in accordance with hygiene and safety requirements.
The operation and maintenance of the pneumatic tool must be
carried out in accordance with the instructions in the instructions
manual in order to minimise the emission of fumes and dust.
Select, maintain and replace tools to be inserted in accordance
with the instructions in order to prevent the increase of fumes
and dust. Treatment of certain materials may result in fumes and
dusts that may create an explosion hazard.
Noise hazard
Exposure to high levels of noise can cause permanent and irre-
versible hearing loss and other problems such as tinnitus (ring-
ing, buzzing, whistling or humming in ears). A risk assessment
and the implementation of appropriate control measures for
these hazards are necessary. Appropriate controls to reduce
the risk may include measures such as silencing materials to
prevent the workpiece from “ringing”. Use hearing protection
in accordance with the employer’s instructions and in accord-
ance with hygiene and safety requirements. The operation and
maintenance of the pneumatic tool must be carried out in ac-
cordance with the instructions in the manual in order to avoid
an unnecessary increase in noise levels. If the pneumatic tool
has a silencer, always make sure that it is installed correctly
when using the tool. Select, maintain and replace worn tools to
be inserted in accordance with the instructions in the manual.
This will help avoid an unnecessary increase in noise.
Vibration hazard
Vibration exposure may result permanent damage to the
nerves and the blood circulation in the hands and the arms.
Keep your hands away from screwdriver sockets. Wear warm
clothes when working at low temperatures and keep the hands
warm and dry. If numbness, tingling, pain or bleaching occurs
in your fi ngers or hands, stop using the pneumatic tool, then
inform your employer and consult your doctor. The operation
and maintenance of the pneumatic tool must be carried out
in accordance with the instructions in the manual in order to
avoid an unnecessary increase in vibration levels. Do not use
worn or badly fi tted attachments, as they may cause a signifi -
cant increase in vibration levels. Select, maintain and replace
worn tools to be inserted in accordance with the instructions in
the manual. This will help avoid an unnecessary increase in
vibrations. Wherever possible, a protective assembly should
be used. If possible, support the weight of the tool in a rack,
tensioner or balancer. Maintain a light and sure grip on the
power tool and mind the reaction forces from processing with
the power tool. The risk of vibration is higher the higher is the
force of your grip on the power tool. Incorrectly installed or de-
fective tool to be inserted can increase the vibration level.
Additional safety instructions for pneumatic tools
Pressurised air can cause serious injury:
- always disconnect the air supply, release the air pressure
from the hose and disconnect the tool from the air supply when
not in use, before changing accessories or carrying out repairs;
- never point the air stream at yourself or anyone else.
Hitting with the hose can cause serious injury. Always check for
damaged or loose hoses and connectors. Direct cold air away
from hands. Do not use the quick coupling at the inlet of an im-
pact tool or air-hydraulic tool. Use threaded couplings made of
hardened steel (or material of similar strength). Whenever uni-
versal screwed connections (dog connections) are used, safe-
ty pins and safety connectors must be used to prevent damage
to the connections between the hoses and between the hose
and the tool. Do not exceed the maximum air pressure speci-
fi ed for the tool. Air pressure is critical to safety and aff ects per-
formance in torque-controlled systems and continuous speed
tools. In this case, the length and diameter of the hoses must
be observed. Never carry the tool holding it by the hose.
Make sure that the compressed air source generates the cor-
rect working pressure and provides the required airfl ow. If the