Installation and Operation Guide SOLECTRIA
XGI 1500-250 Series Inverters
DOCR-071074 (Rev 7, 30 MAY 2023)
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Regular Preventative Maintenance
Solectria’s warranty terms require regular preventative maintenance. It is recommended to perform this
service annually, adjusting the service interval as needed depending on site conditions. It may be
necessary to perform the preventative maintenance more frequently during the first year to determine the
appropriate service interval.
The wiring box requires visual inspection and thermography, and
The cooling system needs to be clean of debris to operate properly.
Performing these preventative activities will help ensure proper inverter operation, avoid preventable
failures, and extend the useful life of the inverter. Inverter damage or failure attributed to a lack of regular
preventative maintenance may not be covered by the product warranty.
Thermography and Visual Inspections
Thermography and visual inspection of the inverter’s wiring box may identify issues before a failure
occurs. Use a thermal camera to inspect components in the wiring portion of the inverter after the
inverter has been running for at least an hour. (Refer to Figure 9.1)
1. Allow the inverter to run for at least an hour above 50% power before performing thermography
2. Turn off the inverter, first by setting the DC Switch on the inverter to the “OFF” position, then by turning
the AC Switch on the inverter to the “OFF” position.
3. Unfasten all 6 latches securing the inverter cover, raise the lid and use the supports to lock it in place.
4. Use a thermal camera to inspect for excessive temperatures of the AC terminations, DC terminations,
busbar between the AC contactors, and AC filter terminals. Record the ambient temperature. Each
component’s temperature must be less than the sum of the ambient temperature plus the maximum
temperature rise above ambient value. Each component’s temperature must also be less than the
maximum temperature value. If any of the components in Table 9-4 Component Temperature Limits
exceed their temperature limits or vary more than 10
C amongst the three phases, please contact
Solectria Technical Support for further assistance.
Maximum Temp. Rise
above Ambient
Temperature Maximum
AC or DC Termination
AC Contactor Busbar
EMI Filter Terminals
Table 9-4 Component Temperature Limits