Installation and Operation Guide SOLECTRIA
XGI 1500-250 Series Inverters
DOCR-071074 (Rev 7, 30 MAY 2023)
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DC Connections
The PV source circuits must be combined external to the inverter using the XGI Remote Combiner box.
General DC Connection Information
The SOLECTRIA XGI 1500 is a single DC input into one MPPT zone.
Perform the calculations based on the total inverter nameplate AC power rating. With the maximum DC/AC ratios
shown in Table 3-5, at STC conditions (Equation 3.1), a user can connect up to 500 kWp for all XGI 1500 models
rated 175kW through 250kW. Note for any application that may experience higher than 1000 W/m
on a regular
basis, a lower DC/AC ratio is recommended. Also, the sum of the Isc rating of all PV source circuits, multiplied
by 1.25, must be less than 800 A (Equation 3.2).
2.0, 2.22, 2.5,
2.86 at STC
∗ 1.25
DC/AC Ratio and Isc Requirements
Both the DC/AC ratio and Isc limit requirements must be met.
Failure to stay within these limits may result in damage NOT covered under warranty
DC Input Specifications
Table 3-5 DC Input Specifications
XGI 1500-
XGI 1500-225-600
XGI 1500-
XGI 1500-175-480
Max Operating DC
255 kW
230 kW
204 kW
179 kW
Max DC rated power
500 kWp
500 kWp
500 kWp
500 kWp
Absolute Max open
circuit Voltage
1500 VDC
Operating voltage
860 - 1450 VDC
750 – 1450 VDC
Max power input
voltage range (MPPT)
860 - 1250 VDC
750 – 1250 VDC
Maximum operating
input current
296.7 A
267.0 A
237.3 A
207.6 A
Maximum PV Current
(Isc x 1.25)
800 A
Maximum Allowed DC
to AC Ratio
Risk of Electric Shock or Fire
Use only with PV modules, DC conductors, switches, fuses, and fuse holders with a
maximum system voltage rating of 1500 VDC or higher.