Installation and Operation Guide SOLECTRIA
XGI 1500-250 Series Inverters
DOCR-071074 (Rev 7, 30 MAY 2023)
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When storing the packaged inverters, keep them in an area where they will not get damaged or flooded. Storage
temperatures should be maintained in the range -40°F to +167°F (-40°C to +75°C). Open the box carefully to
avoid damaging the contents.
Table 2-1 Contents of Box
1. Inverter (XGI 1500-250/250-600, XGI 1500-225-600, XGI 1500-200/200-480, or XGI 1500-175-480)
2. Voltage-Frequency Test Report
3. One page information sheet for Wi-Fi connection to smart device
4. Hardware Kit containing:
a. Antenna for Wi-Fi connection to smart device.
b. 90 degree coaxial connection for antenna.
Installation Sequence
1. Remove the inverter from its crate and properly dispose of the packaging material.
2. Secure the inverter to the structure, carefully observing the lifting hazard below.
Lifting Heavy Object Hazard
Proper lifting technique must be used in order to avoid injuries.
Lift into place with at least two people or using a mechanical aid
3. Turn off the upstream AC breaker and apply a lock.
4. Turn off the AC switch on the inverter.
5. Turn off the DC switch on the inverter.
6. Remove the wiring box cover.
7. Confirm that the PV output circuit conductors (from a Combiner) are de-energized.
8. Connect the AC wires from the grid to the AC terminal block in the wiring box.
9. Connect the PV output circuit wires (from a Combiner) to the DC terminal block in the wiring box.
10. Connect the communication wires.
11. Replace the inverter cover.
12. Connect the antenna to the inverter using the 90-degree coaxial connection.