Yara N-Sensor V3.10
Operation Manual
All previously recorded files are now transferred from the removable disk to the office
PC for archiving.
Select the
Sensor Office
page or press the
button. The log-files that have just been
read are displayed in the list of files ready for processing. Individual files can be re-
moved from the list or additional, previously recorded files can be added using the
buttons, respectively. Note that removing a file does not delete the file neither
from the removable disk nor from the local PC. It just removes it from the list of files to
process. The file can be processed later by adding it to the list again at any time.
Once the list of files is completed, press the
Batch processing
button, make the desired
settings for map products and press the
Send now
button. If the batch processing is
used the first time, the
Login name
and the
(both provided automatically after
registering on the Sensor Office homepage) have to be entered first. The batch job is
now created and sent to the Sensor Office server. A few minutes later the printable
maps are returned in Adobe Acrobat format (*.pdf) to the e-mail address specified in
General settings for Sensor Office
7.2 Task
With the help of
, it is possible to prepare individual tasks already before-
hand, i. e. before N-Sensor operation is started on the field. This is specifically useful if
the N-Sensor tasks are known in advance and may help the operator to be guided
through his individual daily operations.
7.2.1 Master
First, an individual list of master data needs to be entered into
For this purpose, select the
Master data
tab first and enter the master data for each field
to be treated by the N-Sensor. For each field, at least a
Field name
needs to be entered,
further columns are optional but should be filled as far as possible. All information en-
tered here will be displayed for the N-Sensor operator on the terminal later.
Last revised: 28.01.2009 14:39
Page 57 of 64